Apex Legends Reveal Brand New Pathfinder Edition Along With Unique Items

Apex Legends Season 5 is progressing on its course with all the new content and changes after releasing earlier this month. Now, Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment have thrown some more additional content into the mix to enrich the experience of fans further.

Like the previous Bloodhound, Lifeline, and Octane versions of the game, the developers have launched another edition featuring a different legend. This time it is Pathfinder’s turn. The version is called Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition. It sees some exclusive skins and cosmetics added for the versatile robotic entity.

What does the Pathfinder Edition bring for fans?

On Tuesday, May 26, Respawn dropped a brief trailer for the brand new purchasable edition of the fan-favorite battle royale. “The Pathfinder Edition is locked and loaded with everything you’ll want for your next expedition. Whatever dangers the journey ahead holds, you’ll meet them head-on with a super cool bandana, back-in-fashion camo shorts, and a can-do attitude,” the description reads.

The main attractions of the Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition are the iconic skins and cosmetics. As showcased in the trailer, this special edition of the game comes with two legendary skins. The Full Metal Robot skin for Pathfinder himself and the First Blood skin for the Havoc rifle.

Other exclusive cosmetic items include the Molotov Cocktail Gun Charm and the Lone Bot Badge. Moreover, 1000 Apex Coins are also up for grabs. As a result, players can acquire extra items from the store or spend it on the battle pass, according to their choice.

Cost of the Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition

The new version of Apex Legends is available for purchase on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC (on Origin). The Pathfinder package costs $19.99 on all the mentioned platforms. However, players can also obtain it as a download card from a retailer.

The 1000 Apex Coins alone are worth $10. Then considering the legendary skins and exclusive cosmetics, the Apex Legends Pathfinder Edition is a genuine opportunity for players to don a rare look in-game.

Recently, both Pathfinder and the Havoc received a nerf with the update for the new season. Are the developers compensating for the nerfs by rolling out select items for the legend and the weapon? Only they truly know.

Meanwhile, in other Apex Legends news, the second chapter of The Broken Ghost Quest for Season 5 also went live on May 26. The chapter is named Detached Chaperone and follows up on the events from the first episode, The Cranky Clown.
